Who are we becoming? Exploring the transformative nature of aging on our identity & community


Course Description

In this class session, we will explore the complex relationship between aging, personal identity, and transformation by considering the ways in which each stage of life brings its unique set of experiences and challenges that shape our understanding of ourselves and our relationship with the world around us. As we journey through the various stages of life, our values, priorities, and beliefs evolve, leading to shifts in our self-conception and worldview. This class session will delve into the intricacies of aging and personal identity, fostering a richer understanding of the dynamic nature of personal identity and the impact of aging on our ever-changing selves.

Drawing on the works of Kieran Setiya and Ursula K. Le Guin, we will examine the ways in which our sense of self evolves or remains constant as we age, and consider how our experiences, choices, and memories contribute to this ongoing process. In a supportive and inclusive learning environment, facilitated discussions will encourage students to engage deeply with these core questions:

  • How does aging affect our sense of self, and what role do societal attitudes and expectations play in this process?

  • What can we learn from diverse perspectives on the experience of aging, and how can we use this knowledge to enrich our own lives and relationships?

  • How can we cultivate resilience and growth in the face of aging and life transitions, and what role do memory, personal growth, and societal expectations play in this process?

  • What can we learn from literary perspectives on aging, and how can these insights inform our own experiences and choices?

  • How can we work towards a more inclusive and compassionate understanding of the complex issues surrounding aging and identity, particularly concerning the intersections of race, gender, class, and sexual orientation?

Course Reading List:

  • Midlife: A Philosophical Guide by Kieran Setiya: This work explores the experience of midlife and the associated challenges of identity, purpose, and fulfillment. Setiya draws on a range of perspectives to offer insights into this unique life stage.

  • Excerpts from The Wave in the Mind by Ursula K. Le Guin: This collection of essays touches on themes of aging, identity, and the human experience. The readings we will focus on offer unique perspectives on the experience of aging, including the role of grandmothers in different cultures, the impact of social and cultural attitudes towards aging, and the concept of legacy.

Join us in this exploration of aging and personal identity, as we delve into the complexities of this universal human experience and consider the essential question: Are we who we've always been? How does aging change us?

Class Dates & Time
June 18, 2023
4:00-6:00 PM PST

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