How do perspectives on death shape our understanding of life?


In this fourth installment of our six-part series, "Does Thinking About Death Lead to a Good Life?", we invite you to delve into the exploration of life, death, and the human experience through two distinct yet complementary texts. Regardless of whether you've attended the previous sessions or this is your first, we warmly welcome you to join us in this rich discussion.

Readings for this Class:

Firstly, we will read selected excerpts from "The Tibetan Book of the Dead", a central work of Tibetan Buddhist thought that presents a spiritual journey of death, afterlife, and rebirth.

The excerpts include:

  • Introduction: (~10-20 pages*) This section provides an overview of the text and its cultural and religious context.

  • The First Bardo: Chikhai Bardo (The Moment of Death): (~20-40 pages*) This part describes the experience of death and the transitional state of consciousness.

  • Instructions on the Signs of Death, and the Rituals to be Performed When Death is Approaching: (~15-25 pages*) This section offers practical advice and rituals for the dying and their caregivers.

Our second text, "Mortality" (~100 pages*), by the late renowned journalist and atheist Christopher Hitchens, gives us an intimate, raw, and secular perspective on the experience of mortality. Through his personal journey with terminal cancer, Hitchens pushes us to reflect on our own perceptions of life and death.

In our facilitated discussion, we will grapple with the following questions:

  • How do the perspectives on death presented by the Tibetan Book of the Dead and Hitchens shape our understanding of life?

  • How might the acceptance or rejection of an afterlife or rebirth impact one's perception of a good life?

  • How does the personal journey with terminal illness presented by Hitchens contrast with the spiritual preparation for death outlined in the Tibetan Book of the Dead?

  • How might thinking about death, as portrayed in both texts, influence our values, attitudes, and behaviors in life?

  • Can reflecting on mortality, whether through spiritual teachings or personal experiences, lead us to live more meaningful lives?

(*Page numbers are approximate and can vary depending on the specific edition of the books.)

Date and Time:

Saturday, June 3
10:00AM-12:00PM PST

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